National Museum, Halkopiha
Jürgen Albrecht & Isabelle Mars: Universalis Helsinki

"Wir wandeln alle in Geheimnissen. Wir sind von einer Atmosphäre umgeben von der wir noch gar nicht wissen, was sich alles in ihr regt, und wie es mit unserem Geiste in Verbindung steht.“ 
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

The works of Jürgen Albrecht and Isabelle Mars are abstract compositions, whose colours range from impenetrable black to bright white. They are neither picture nor object, but three-dimensional fields that exist only in light. Their point of origin is the architectural space in which they are located. These works are illusions: the inside and outside fade into each other. They create a visual labyrinth in which the dual nature of light is reflected as material and immaterial phenomena.

The piece is supported by Goethe-Institut Finnland.

Entry to the courtyards of the National Museum is from Museokatu, through the gates behind the building.

* On Thursday 8 January also the exhibitions of the National Museum are open until 10pm.

First photo: Jussi Ratilainen
Second photo: Ilkka Paloniemi

Performance time: Daily from 5 pm to 10 pm

Jürgen Albrecht and Isabelle Mars live and work in Hamburg, Germany. As well as Germany, their works have featured in exhibitions in France, Belgium, the United States and the United Kingdom.

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