Finlandia Hall
Lighting Design Collective Helsinki: Anonymous

"On the Internet, nobody knows you’re a dog."
Steiner 1993

A white cube is erected on front of the Finlandia Hall. Inside is a microphone. The stage is available for anyone who wishes to express an opinion, tell a joke, or sing. You have three minutes. No control, no censorship, no identity.

Anonymous will turn Finlandia Hall into a communications tool. This light artwork offers viewers the chance to present their own, apparently invisible and anonymous, opinions. Using light-based expression, it will visualise the speaker's voice and movements, creating an abstract projection of light in motion on the facade of Finlandia Hall. The light will not reveal who is inside the cube.

Photo: Jussi Ratilainen

Performance time: Daily from 5 pm to 10 pm

Lighting Design Collective Helsinki is an international design studio specialising in light for the built environment and architecture.

Originally from the city of Oulu in Finland, Tapio Rosenius is a lighting designer and artist who has completed projects in over 20 countries in Europe, Africa, Asia and the Middle East. He has been presented with dozens of international awards in the fields of lighting design and art.

Jari Vuorinen is a lighting designer from Helsinki, with over ten years of experience in architecture and film lighting. His holistic methodology focuses on bringing out the character and hierarchy of spaces through the medium of light.

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